I might finally get to keep this blog up to date but am failing dismally. At least I am now keeping up with Photos.
Today has been a mere 43C in Adelaide (to my Northern Hemisphere friends who are watch Hell freeze over that is 106F)
I spent most of the day working from home planning resources for the upcoming year. At the end of last year I was worried that my business could well feel the effect of the "downturn" as often training as such is seen as a discretionary spend. Well it appears that the opposite is happening - companies are realising that on-line training actually is a far more economical way of training staff "in situ" and enquiry is on the increase - fantastic.
I cleaned my pool and prepared it for my little girls to come home for swim and cook a BBQ. Daughter and her husband joined us - pleasant evening couple of beers and a bit of 20/20 Cricket - life is good.
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